Building a music production project – Alex M and MusKer

Alex M and MusKer are music producers who are building a mobile music project called UpTune. Alex M graduated from the University of Birmingham with a degree in Economics in the summer and he gained support from the university’s Ideas Fund to help get it started.

We caught up with Alex M and asked questions about life as an emerging entreprenuer in the music industry.

What is the business idea in a nutshell?
UpTune is a music recording and
production project, which focuses on music mixing and mastering.

When and why did you start the idea?
During the last academic
year my colleague and I decided to create an affordable and mobile music
recording studio. The idea was based on the issue of recording studios being
traditionally expensive for the average musician, as well as many times being
based in locations far away from them that they often cannot travel to due to
work and other responsibilities.

Our clients do not have to actually go to the
studio to record as we bring the studio to them, letting them enjoy the comfort
of a space of their choice and saving them valuable time from work and other

By being mobile we are able to offer better prices compared
to other studios by having a larger customer base (being able to service more
areas) and organising multiple recording sessions by area so our customers only
pay a fraction of the transportation costs.

Finally, we save money from rent,
utilities and equipment as we only purchased a limited number of necessary

What does a typical day look like for you?
Every day is unpredictable. When we haven’t booked a recording session, we spend time improving our skills
so we are able to offer discounts in price but not in quality.

Have there been any challenges along the way?
The major challenge has
always been the cost of the equipment, which made us request this funding.
Additionally, we are a mobile studio and unlike traditional studios that cannot
service areas other than the one they are based on, our sessions often require
exceptional planning as unexpected occurrences can always affect them.

What’s the biggest takeaway from your experience?
Learning how to set up and
operate a business

What’s coming next?
Currently, we are working
on our website but once we finish we are looking forward to register our
business and expand to different cities as well. I am currently looking at doing a Master’s degree and doing Sound recording courses and training. In the future 
I plan on moving
to London to ideally setup the studio, while also doing my master’s degree.

If you would like to get help for your own start-up idea, check out the B-Enterprising Ideas Fund and see how you can turn your own creation into a reality.

With thanks to Alex M and MusKer. Blog introduced by Bob Lee

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