Sharing is caring – Look out for The Borrow Shop JQ cafe and store in Birmingham

A brand new community cafe and homewares store has opened recently on Caroline Street in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham. Urban Planning graduate Sophie Watson opened The Borrow Shop JQ to customers in the summer after running a successful crowdfunding campaign. 

The store offers a library of things particularly for items or equipment that people typically need on a one off basis (think pressure washers, tools, gazebos and specialist ladders to name but a few of the things on offer here). 

There is also a cafe which offers hot drinks and vegan cake and the company operates as a social enterprise offering 50% of its profits to local charities. The idea was created by Sophie Watson who completed a Masters in Urban Planning in 2020 and is now working on The Borrow Shop full time.

The shop is open all week from Monday – Friday from 8am – 6pm, open on Saturday from 10am – 5pm and closed on Sunday except for Reservations. You can find more details about The Borrow Shop online here and see an earlier blog we featured about The Borrow Shop here.

With thanks to Sophie Watson @The Borrow Shop
Edited by Bob Lee

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