How to Prevent Edge Peeling of Vinyl Graphics
By Jim Hingst This article, "Over the Edge", appears in the June 2017 issue of Sign Builder Illustrated. Edge peeling usually makes every sign maker’s list of top vinyl problems.…
By Jim Hingst This article, "Over the Edge", appears in the June 2017 issue of Sign Builder Illustrated. Edge peeling usually makes every sign maker’s list of top vinyl problems.…
Still Life: Vase with Fourteen Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh (1888).The left hand side of the image simulatesthe appearance of van Gogh's painting 129years ago, before the yellows darkened. Note: This work is…
By Jim Hingst @hingst_jim Photography of Lascaux animal painting*.Paintings of bulls, deer and horses werepainted using basic earth pigments about17,000 years ago in southwestern France. People have described pigments as powdered…