All Things Money – the new financial guide created by Business Management graduate Olamide Majekodunmi

This week we caught up with Olamide Majekodunmi who is a Business Management graduate at the University of Birmingham. Olamide has recently set up All Things Money which is an online platform designed to provide young adults with the financial tools needed to navigate through adult life.

Olamide: I have always been an
avid budgeter and saver and learnt how to invest in April 2020. As I finished
my degree in March 2020 during the first lockdown, I wasn’t quite sure what to
do with all of my free time! Because of this 
I thought it would be a great
idea to create a platform that covers all of the personal finance topics that
are not covered in school from budgeting, mortgages, pensions and more.

I was kindly offered some
monetary support from the B-Enterprising team which enabled me to get my
website up and running. I was also able to get my brand and logo trademarked to
help protect the business. 
One of the best aspects of
running my business is that I am able to offer financial guidance to those who
really need it.

 I love hearing some of the testimonials I receive from the
people All Things Money has helped! One of the challenges of running my own business has been all of the admin I need to stay on top of!

One thing I wish I knew
before I started my business venture is the importance of resilience! There are
days where you want to give up, but it’s so important to push through those
days as you never know what further success is round the corner!

One of the biggest
takeaways from my experience is how important it is to have supportive friends
and family. Throughout the process of running All Things Money, my family and
friends have been my biggest cheerleaders. They have offered ample support and
advice which I am so grateful for. Without their support, I highly doubt I
would be where I am now.

If anyone is looking to start
their business venture, but is unsure when to start, the best time to start is
now. Starting a new venture, can feel like a daunting task, but once you start,
it is highly unlikely that you will regret it! There are so many valuable
lessons and skills you gain, so start now. 

Visit All Things Money website here to find out more

With thanks to Olamide Majekodunmi
Edited by Bob Lee (B-Enterprising)

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