Starting up during lockdown and advice for new start-ups – Mohammed Owais (Pre-Clinical Medicine)

We were delighted to hear from 1st Year Pre-Clinical Medical student Mohammed Owais last week who contacted us about his new start-up business which is called National Student Network

National Student Network is currently being set up by Mohammed and is designed to connect students with each other whilst at university. 

I started National Student Network in November 2020 when university was quite new to me. The national lockdown prompted me to try something different with the extra time I had. This led me to explore the idea of starting a business – something that I’ve always wanted to do but never really understood how. I then stumbled across the university B-Enterprising department and everything opened up from there.

Here is my advice for anyone else considering starting a business:

  • Schedule and commit to a couple of hours a week for working on your business otherwise it’s very easy for your business’ growth to remain stagnant
  • Ask for help when you need it. Without a business background it is easy to become overwhelmed but know there is support available.
  • Don’t let imperfections hold you back. If you try to get every little detail perfect; there’s a good chance you’ll hinder your progress. 
  • Just go for it. If it doesn’t work out you may lose a little bit of time and money but you’ll gain so much. You won’t know if you don’t try. 
If you would like help with your own start-up idea or are just curious to learn more about working like an entrepreneur, our B-Enterprising team can guide you. We run Events, Programmes and offer funding and advice for new ideas.

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