Running a neuroscience start-up with sport in mind – Morgan Mitchell

Action Potential is a social enterprise created by UoB graduate Morgan Mitchell (Exercise and Sport, 2021) and postgraduate researcher Josh Kearney (Psychology).
The business delivers applied neuroscience education and the duo provide workshops to translate research about the brain to sporting contexts for coaches, educators, young people and sports organisations.

Morgan: The idea to start the business, like many in recent time, was born out of lockdown during the pandemic. I shared the idea with my friend Josh while both us were studying at Birmingham, and the early conversations and content creation for Action Potential became our 2020/2021 passion project. 

Since then, Josh has been a great support to translating our ideas about the brain into sport-related content and continues to challenge me to think about neuroscience in fresh and exciting ways that will engage a variety of people.

We believe that looking at
sports through a neuroscience lens not only deepens and enriches a person’s
view on the sports that they play or watch, but equips them with impactful life
skills too. 

Such as learning how to maintain good mental health, make better
and more well-informed decisions, choose healthier lifestyle habits and manage
their own/their key beneficiaries’ performance through emotional regulation.

We also want to focus on
delivering to groups of young people from low socio-economic backgrounds, many
of whom take part in physical education in some form but who may not have been
exposed to high level neuroscience research and would not necessarily be aware
that such research could be relevant and important for both their sporting
endeavours and also for life in general.

The best aspects of running your own business are having
the freedom to shape your ideas and seeing them become a reality and become
valuable to other people’s lives. After many conversations during lockdown,
it’s really rewarding to see what we have talked about come to life. 

The worst
aspect at the moment is having to do everything ourselves! As a very young
start up we have to know all the ins and outs to the company and organise
things ourselves, from the practical delivery to the marketing and
communications strategy, website building and more.

The biggest takeaway from starting up has
been: you can do anything you set your mind to! I would never have thought of
myself as the “business type” nor did I ever think I would want to
run my own business. 

But here I am, loving building more connections within the
neuroscience and sports field, learning from the people we engage with and
hopefully on our way to having a thriving and life-giving company!


With thanks to Morgan Mitchell
Edited by Bob Lee


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