Learning Active Listening Skills

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What a Salesman Should Learn From His

This story appeared in Sign Builder Illustrated magazine. 

Jim Hingst

A married salesman has an advantage that most
single salesmen will never understand. They know that when your wife talks,
it’s best to keep your mouth shut and listen. This is a valuable lesson that
you should use when conducting a sales interview or when dealing with a
dissatisfied customer. Listening doesn’t mean sitting passively and
occasionally grunting. Wives know that when their husbands behave in this
manner, that they aren’t really listening. Customers can sense this too.
Instead I recommend active listening. Before
I describe what that is, let me explain what it isn’t. When your wife has had a
particularly frustrating day, she often wants to vent or explain her problems.
According to John Gray in his popular book Men
Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,
your wife is relating her story, she generally does not want you to break
in as her knight in shining armor and tell her what you would to do. This is
called an interruption. It is rude whether you do it to your wife or to a
prospect. Let them fully explain themselves. What they want and need is an
empathetic ear. In your role as a sales consultant, you will have plenty of
time to offer a solution, after you thoroughly diagnose the problem.
What listening attentively with empathy
means, was best expressed by Dr. Stephen Covey in his book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,
when he instructed readers to “seek first to understand, then to be
understood”. Without a doubt, this is the most important lesson that you should
learn for any interaction with another, whether you are dealing with a
customer, employee or family member.
Most of us have the ability to hear sounds.
That’s easy, because it takes no effort. Listening, on the other hand, is
difficult, because it requires that you concentrate on what the speaker is
trying to communicate. It takes real effort to look beyond the words so that
you can see and understand the other person’s point of view. Real active listening
is nearly impossible when you are thinking more about what you want to say than
what the prospect is saying.
The fact is that maintaining silence drives
most salesmen nuts. The natural desire that many sales people have is to wait
for an opening to interject their opinion or say something cute or launch in a
long winded presentation. Don’t do it! Resist the urge to talk about yourself
and your company and all the great things you can do for the prospect. Taking
that approach often kills a conversation and any chance that you will make a
sale. When you are thinking more about how you will respond, you are not really
Instead, when a customer is explaining his
problems, let him or her tell their story. Don’t interrupt. If you are truly interested
in developing real relationships with prospects, sincerely care about their
needs and what they are telling you.  Empathetic listening not only helps you see
the world through the prospect’s eyes, it helps you build rapport and trust
with that person. By doing that, it is more likely that the other person will
listen to us, when it is our time to speak. In turn, it makes it more likely
that the two of you will come to an agreement.
In active listening, if you don’t fully understand
something what a prospect is saying, ask him or her a clarifying question. You
could begin a clarifying question by restating what you believe the prospect
said. This is a common technique that many veteran salesmen use in a sales interview. It shows that
you are at the very least attempting to understand what the prospect is saying.
You could then ask if that is what they meant: “is that correct?” If you didn’t
quite understand the point that the prospect was making, there is no shame in
simply admitting it. Just ask the prospect to expound upon the point that they
are making.
The more that the prospect talks, the more he
or she feels comfortable in dealing with you. It also gives you an opportunity
to better understand his or her business, and the company’s goals, competition
and challenges. One of the lessons that I leaned from Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People
was to ask the other party  open ended questions
that allowed them to talk about themselves, their families, their business and
their interests. If you want to master the fine art of conversation, become
sincerely interested in him or her and let the other person speak.  Direct the spotlight on your prospect not on
Talking about the other person’s interests
helps break the ice in an initial encounter. It is the small talk that we need
to engage in during any first meeting to build that bridge to the big talk.
When I was starting out in sales, I learned that when I walked into a
prospect’s office that I should look around at pictures on the walls and on the
objects on his desk for clues that revealed that something about that person.
It might be a picture of a golf gathering or an autographed baseball or a
trophy. Asking about these personal items allows you to listen to their
stories. Discovering common ground allows you to break through any communication
What Gitmo interrogators discovered was that the
key to getting terrorists to talk was treating the other person like a human
being. They learned that if you begin a meeting with a smile that it is
difficult for the other person not to smile back.  They also learned that if they could find a
common interest, they could start to build a rapport that lead to trust which
lead to conversations and ultimately usable intelligence. It is very difficult
for someone to deceive you, if you treat people decently. They discovered that
this approach was much more effective than threats or waterboarding. These same
techniques are effective in sales.
Once you build rapport and begin a dialogue,
you want to keep the prospect talking by asking questions. The best types of
questions to ask are open ended questions. As part of your pre-call sales
planning, you may want to prepare some questions in advance. Open ended
questions are types of questions that a prospect cannot simply answer with either
a yes or a no. This type of question is called a close ended question.
To frame an open ended question, employ what
Rudyard Kipling coined as his six honest serving men: What, Why, When, How,
Where and Who. Questions using these words, invite conversation.

Here are some examples of open ended

● What changes would you like to see in your
visual merchandising program?
● How would you like to change the way your
customers view your business?
● Who are the biggest challenges that your
face with your competitors?
● When do need the job completed?
When a customer or prospect asks you a
question, don’t respond immediately. Instead take a few seconds to think about
the question and what you are going to say before you answer. This signals to
the customer that you have been listening to what he or she has been saying. If
you don’t know the answer to the question, there is nothing wrong with saying,
“I don’t know, but I will find out and get back to you.” Then be sure to follow
up promptly. At the very least, this gives you another opportunity to interact
with the customer. Remember that the rule of thumb is that it generally takes between
6 and 8 touches with a prospect to make a sale.
with the Ridiculous
In some cases, prospects can intentionally
say something confrontational or challenge what we have said. When some people behave
this way, it disguises dissatisfaction, annoyance or a hidden agenda. Some
people do this just to show their dominance. Many of these people want to see
how far they can push you or intimidate you, which they may intend to use in
future dealings with you. While this is more of an alpha male trait, spouses
will also pick a fight intentionally.
There is a right way and a wrong way to deal
with this situation.   Married men know, or should know, that you
should never argue with your wife. Arguing is always a no-win situation whether
the other party is your wife or your customer. A customer is always right, even
when he or she isn’t.
Openly contradicting a client breeds conflict
and resentment. When pushed, another person’s natural inclination is to push
back. Don’t do it. Make sure that you understand the other party’s position by
restating it. Ask questions to further clarify his position. Then state your
position calmly and clearly as best you can. If any conversation becomes
heated, the best course of action is to back away gracefully.  
Prospects will not do business with you, if
their past experiences with you engender negative feelings. People generally
only buy from people they like. Relationship selling is still important in
today’s marketplace.
to Listen to Needs and Desires Behind the Words
Not everyone who makes a false statement is
looking to confront you. Sometimes a prospect is just expressing a concern or
they are looking for additional information. What he may be telling you is that
in his purchasing role, he is afraid of making a bad buying decision that could
reflect badly on him. He needs the security that the graphics program that you
are proposing will produce the results that you claim.
The key to understanding what the other
person is saying is not always the words that they are using. When you are
listening to another, look behind the words that they use, and try to
understand their feelings and their needs. For example, when your wife  tells you “I don’t want to talk about it”,
what she may mean is that “I do want to talk about, but not now” or “I do want
to talk about it, and when I am ready, please just sit there and listen.” The
point is that whenever your wife or a prospect says something, you need to play
detective to discover the hidden meaning.
When a prospect states something that is
absolutely ridiculous, such as “I hear that vinyl graphics don’t last long
outdoors”, they may be asking a question about the durability of your products.
Perhaps he had a problem in the past. What he might be looking for is the assurance
that your products will do what you say they will do. In a roundabout way, he
may be inquiring whether your work is covered by a warranty. In other cases,
people are just looking for more information so they can buy with confidence.
There is only one way to know for sure. Ask for clarification.
On the other hand, you may have heard the
prospect correctly. Kids aren’t the only ones who say the darnedest things.
Prospects can also have prejudices and hold strange beliefs. Of course, telling
the other person that that is the dopiest thing that you have ever heard will
only get you tossed out the door.
A better way to address a false statement is
by saying, “many people have felt the same way as you. These companies had
problems with other suppliers. One example is company XYZ.” Explain how this
company had problems with graphics produced by competitors and what you did to
solve those problems.
to Listen with Your Eyes
Some experts believe that words typically
represent about 7% of face-to-face interpersonal communication. All other
communication that we project to a prospect or them to us is non-verbal. That’s
why you, as either a salesperson or manager, need to learn to listen with your
As a salesperson, this is a critical skill,
because many prospects may make statements that are exaggerations, partial
truths or just out-and-out lies. While their words may be easy for them to
utter, it is difficult for their faces to disguise a falsehood.
Some behavioral clues can alert us when
someone is not entirely honest with us. These behaviors include when a prospect
averts his eyes instead of looking directly at us, fumbling speech delivery or
nervousness. Be aware, though, that these behaviors are not always foolproof
indications of deception. Some people can act in these ways all of the time.
What is important is that when you listen and
look, you should keep your antennae up, because people, including our loved
ones, lie to us every day. This should not cause you consternation. It doesn’t
mean that wife is being untrue to you when she tells you how handsome you are. She
just may want to protect you from the truth. You may lie that you weren’t
eyeing the attractive woman across the room to avoid your wife’s disapproval.  
Everybody lies. Our politicians use deceptive
ads to misrepresent an opponent’s position to win an election.  Manufacturers lie when they conceal a
shortcoming of their products or exaggerate product performance claims. An
activist media lies when they slant the news to advance a political agenda. Police
lie to trick the accused into admitting guilt.

Keep your antennae up. Everybody lies. Look for changes in behavior.
(This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or less.)

Everybody has reasons for telling lies. Lying
is just another common way that people interact with one another. In many
cases, people lie to advance their position in life or protect themselves when
their livelihood is in jeopardy. Is that bad? Not necessarily. As animals
living in a complex world, this is ingrained in our natural survival mechanism.
This is why, as listeners, we need to be skeptical of the spoken word and keep
our eyes and ears open for deceptive cues.
What’s more, it is why we need to ask probing
questions, listen for statements that seem out of place and look for unusual
changes in body posture. The longer the other person talks, the better our
chances become at getting closer to the truth. 
From time to time we all deal with conflicts.
That conflict could be with your significant other, an employee or even a
dissatisfied customer. Whatever the conflict, it can trigger an emotional
response. Whether our natural response is high anxiety or anger or some other
emotion, we usually stop listening. Neither retreating from conflict nor
lashing out resolves the conflict for either party.
It goes against our natural inclination to
just stand there and take it, especially when the other person is in our face.
But, in my experience, having had to handle hundreds of service claims, that is
exactly what you should do. Let the other say what he wants to say, even it is
hurtful and unfair. Do your best, under the circumstances, to listen to what
the other is saying.
When that person is finished, mirror back
what he or she has said.  You might say: “What
I understand you to say is …” You fill in the blank. The process of repeating
what the other person has said, can help calm what could otherwise escalate
into a more heated exchange.
If you have to deal with a customer’s product
failure, my recommendation is to carefully examine the problem and do your best
to determine the cause. If the complaint is legitimate, simply ask the client
how they would like the problem resolved. You may be surprised, but what they
may be expecting from you or your company may be much less than you were
expecting to deliver.  
If the complaint is not warranted, you might explain
the process that you went through in investigating the claim and arriving at your
conclusion. In most cases, people will accept the results, if you have done a
thorough job. If you treat people fairly, they will generally respond in
You may have heard the saying that God gave
us two ears and one mouth and we should use them in that proportion. That
saying should remind us to actively listen more to what our prospects are saying and not
saying. Be sensitive to their fears, aspirations and needs. Finally, a
self-help guru Tony Robbins advises, if you want better answers, ask better
questions. When we learn these communication skills, we will develop stronger
relationships and become better at resolving differences and coming to mutually
beneficial agreements.

Here are 5 tips which can help you improve your active listening skills:

1. Take Notes. Before I began my sales career, I developed the habit of
taking notes. I learned this when I was writing advertising testimonials.  Taking notes tells the prospect that you are
listening. It is also a great way to refresh your memory when you are
developing a design or preparing a proposal.
2. Avoid
. If you are on the phone with a client or prospect, shut your
door, clear your desk and turn off your computer and cell phone. Pay attention
to what the other person is saying.
3. Paraphrase.
Throughout the conversation, occasionally paraphrase what the prospect is
saying. Paraphrasing as well as repeating a word or phrase that the client has
used not only tells the other that you are paying attention, but it affirms the
prospect’s statements, which helps build rapport.
4. Clarify. Ask
questions to clarify the points that the client is making. To encourage the
prospect to continue speaking, ask open ended questions. Remember that the
primary purpose of an initial sales call is discovery. You want to fully
understand the prospect’s point of view and challenges, so that you can later
construct a graphics solution that satisfies his needs.
5. Summarize. Conclude
your initial meeting by summarizing how you are going to follow up the sales

Developing good listening is essential to any
business or personal interaction. To paraphrase Scottish economist and
philosopher Adam Smith, if you are committed as a vendor to empathizing and
understanding the needs of your customers, they will reward you with their
business and their loyalty. If you can help
people get what they want, you will get what you want. That’s a great formula
for successful business negotiations and for better personal relationships.

About Jim Hingst: Sign business authority on vehicle wraps, vinyl graphics, screen printing, marketing, sales, gold leaf, woodcarving and painting. 

After fourteen years as Business Development Manager at RTape, Jim Hingst retired. He was involved in many facets of the company’s business, including marketing, sales, product development and technical service.

Hingst began his career 42 years ago in the graphic arts field creating and producing advertising and promotional materials for a large test equipment manufacturer.  Working for offset printers, large format screen printers, vinyl film manufacturers, and application tape companies, his experience included estimating, production planning, purchasing and production art, as well as sales and marketing. In his capacity as a salesman, Hingst was recognized with numerous sales achievement awards.

Drawing on his experience in production and as graphics installation subcontractor, Hingst provided the industry with practical advice, publishing more than 190 articles for  publications, such as  Signs Canada, SignCraft,  Signs of the Times, Screen Printing, Sign and Digital Graphics and  Sign Builder Illustrated. He also posted more than 500 stories on his blog (hingstssignpost.blogspot.com). In 2007 Hingst’s book, Vinyl Sign Techniques, was published.  Vinyl Sign Techniques is available at sign supply distributors and at Amazon. 
© 2018 Jim Hingst, All Rights Reserved.

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